Monday, April 19, 2010

Oh! First entry!

So, why another blog to review books? Well, because I couldn't find one that had what I needed.

And what is it I needed?

As a library worker (not an official Librarian with a gilded and capital "L" - more on that below), I order graphic novels for the adult section. I have been having a hard time find places that offer good reviews on stuff for libraries, and especially for people who order for the adult section. There are many sites out there that have stuff for ordering for teens' and children's sections, but not much for those of us that order for the 18+ crowd (or 16+ in my case.) For reference, at my library, we have a juvenile/children's section, which goes up to about 6th grade, and we have a teen section with goes from about 7th-12th grade. However, there's nothing to say that a 4th grader can't take something out of the teen section, just as there's nothing to say that an 11th grader can't check something out from the adult section. Which is why my section is 16+. Since the teen section covers such a range of ages, it was thought the stuff more suitable for "older teens" would be better placed in the adult section. Again, anyone can check anything out from any section. As a librarian (little l), it's my job to help them find it. It's the parent's job to decide if they can read it.

Now, I do not have the almighty Masters degree, which often times separates librarians from Librarians. (Also, people with the MLS/MLIS seem to have ninja powers of not being detected. Must come with the degree.)

What I do have, however, is the fact that I have been collecting comics for more than half my life. And helped really build the small collection at my library. (I think we now have about 300 titles, and it was about 35 when I started.)

What I hope to provide here, for myself at least, is a place where someone can go to get references on graphic novels for adults for libraries. What I thought of it, how I came to hear of it, any other reviews, and other information that is available. I want this for several reasons - as a way to have it all in one place, but especially so that if something gets challenged, I can justify why I purchased it and have my rebuttal prepared.

The best defense? Maybe.

Hopefully, this is the beginning of something long term. I hope to cover mainstream stuff, as well as things that fly under the radar.

Next post will be a review.

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